Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Prepare for Pothole Repair

Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Prepare for Pothole Repair

In accumsan mi nec urna ornare tincidunt. Cras vehicula scelerisque leo, id efficitur neque congue volutpat. Maecenas vitae dui justo. Pellentesque interdum pretium purus, ac efficitur lorem pulvinar a.

Useful FAQs About Pothole Repair

Useful FAQs About Pothole Repair

Discover some useful FAQs about pothole repair by visiting BituChem and reading our latest news article today.

BituChem at the Strictly Highways Exhibition

BituChem at the Strictly Highways Exhibition

BituChem is proud to announce that we are exhibiting our products at the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) Strictly Highways Exhibition at the Blackpool Winter Gardens: Empress Ballroom & Arena from the 4th to the 6th of October. 

Proud Sponsors of the Ross Girls U8 Juniors

Proud Sponsors of the Ross Girls U8 Juniors

BituChem is proud to announce that once again we have sponsored the Ross Girls U8 Juniors Team. This year we are joined by NatraTex.

From Land’s End to John O’Groats

From Land’s End to John O’Groats

BituChem would like to publicly congratulate Fran Smart and the rest of her team for completing a 980-mile cycling journey from Land’s End in Cornwall to John O’Groats in Scotland. This journey was undertaken in order to raise money for The Brain Tumour Charity. 

Do Potholes Form in Winter or Summer?

Do Potholes Form in Winter or Summer?

Discover when potholes form -- either summer or winter -- by visiting BituChem today and reading our latest article.

Now is the Perfect Time For Pavement Waterproofing

Now is the Perfect Time For Pavement Waterproofing

Did you know that now is the perfect time for pavement waterproofing? Let us tell you why that is the case.

Road Surface Dressing Solutions from BituChem

Road Surface Dressing Solutions from BituChem

Surface dressing for roads is often the best solution when they need to be maintained but have not worn to the point of more extensive repairs.

Do Potholes Form in Winter or Summer?

Do Potholes Form in Winter or Summer?

Discover when potholes are more likely to form by reading our latest blog post today today.

Why Summer is the Perfect Time To Get Potholes Repaired

Why Summer is the Perfect Time To Get Potholes Repaired

Discover why summer is the perfect season to repair potholes by reading BituChem's newest blog post.