Highway Waterproofing Treatment

Why Is Road Waterproofing So Important?

BituChem Ltd |

There are many methods to maintain roads to prevent potholes and keep them in top working condition. One of those methods is road waterproofing, a type of highway preservation supplied by BituChem, which prevents potholes by preserving the structure of the road surface. It plays a vital role in maintaining the network of motorways, major roads and minor roads across the UK. You may ask yourself, why is road waterproofing so important? Continue reading to learn more about road waterproofing and how BituChem products can preserve roads.

The Effects of Potholes on UK Roads 

Road potholes are created when water enters existing cracks within the road’s surface. Freeze-thaw weathering expands these cracks, causing them to break open and results in a pothole. Potholes are one of the leading causes of motor accidents, injuries and vehicle damage, such as tyre punctures and suspension problems in the UK. To repair potholes, local authorities spend a huge portion of their budgets every year on the matter. Drivers also have to pay the costs to repair their vehicles.

How To Prevent Potholes

To prevent potholes, BituChem developed effective road emulsions. Regular applications of the following road waterproofing solutions will save both drivers and local authorities money in the long term and reduce the amount of roadworks needed:


Our first solution is FortSeal, a highway preservative used to protect existing highways from the effects of ingress water and increased traffic. It improves the longevity of the asphalt and reduces future disruption caused by major resurfacing works. The applied layer blackens the top surface, giving the illusion of a newly-laid road. It also improves safety for drivers, cyclists, and other vehicle users. Some of its other benefits include durability, preventing potholes, being aesthetically pleasing and it seals aggregate in place.


A PTS PAS Approved sealed surface dressing, LockChip is made from aggregate chippings and sealed with a bitumen road emulsion to offer high standards of road waterproofing. It’s used to fully seal newly dressed roads to prevent water ingress and potholes. It’s also ideal for sealing aggregate in place. When applied by a specialised team, the coating cures in around 20 minutes. This enables new roads to be reopened in decent time, minimising any disruption to the public. Like FortSeal, LockChip is also durable and aesthetically pleasing.

Contact BituChem About Road Waterproofing

If you’re interested in using FortSeal or LockChip as your road waterproofing solution, we have worked with many county councils and highway maintenance companies across the UK for a variety of projects both big and small. To find out more about road waterproofing, please contact us and a member of our team will be happy to offer you a quotation or supply you with further information.