Road Surfacing Materials and Products from BituChem
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Road surfacing is usually undertaken during the warmer months of the year, typically from the middle of April through to late August. This proactive approach allows the application of surface treatments to be carried out more efficiently, repairing any damage sustained during the coldest and wettest months, while preparing for the following Autumn and Winter. BituChem offer a full range of products and materials to keep the surface of every road in peak condition.
How is Road Surfacing Assessed and Prioritised?
Councils carry out regular safety checks to assess the condition of the roads and to coordinate their resources accordingly. All local authorities must maximise their budget and keeping Britain’s roads in good condition affects all types of motorist.
For example, Shropshire Council apply a variety of road surfacing techniques on unclassified rural roads, town centre roads and main ‘A’ roads within the county. During 2015-2017 they repaired and resurfaced over 120km of road and applied surface dressing to area of around 1,700,000 square metres. At an annual cost of £9million for Shropshire alone, you start to see why accurate assessment and prioritising is important.
Data on road conditions is gathered through regular inspections, the frequency of which depends upon how busy the road is. Annual surveys using specialist equipment give an in depth assessment. Residents and communities can also report specific problems directly to local authorities. All this information is then collated, and road surfacing is prioritised and scheduled to ensure the budget is used most effectively.
Discover More About Our Road Surfacing Materials
Bituchem are at the forefront of UK and international road surfacing supplies. We are here to help local authorities and those responsible for maintaining the road system to achieve the best results within their budgets. Therefore, we are constantly innovating to manufacture and deliver outstanding surface treatments and Micro Asphalt for both reactive and pre-planned road repairs. To discover more or to receive a quote, please contact us.